About Us

70s-80s-Club Classic

Boogie wall
We love all sounds of retro music from the 70s & 80s, have a vast Knowledge of and a vast catalogue of music for this purpose. We will work closely with you to bring yu and your party goers a true taste of the great music from yesteryear. For some of your guests this could be the first time they have been encouraged to dress up in the the oufits from the great years of the 70s and or 80s.

We can supply various forms of music from these decades as various themes for your party. We can do a straight 70s disco, covering all styles from that great decade. Glam rock, disco etc. We can do any theme from the 80s decade disco, Ska, reggae, or combine for a classic 80`s theme. We can combine the whole 70s & 80s as a theme covering all genres through the decades for everyone enjoyment.

We can cater for any size venue and are fully self contained with sound and lighting, our equipment is PAT tested to currant legislation and fully insured.

Contact Chris or Nick at 70s-80s-Club Classic to see how we can help you.

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